Author Archives: lifeasweknewit

Of Science and Humanity

Science exists for humanity. However, Science can simultaneously exist against humanity. It is prudent to consider the fact that Science does not, inherently, exist for humanity, and that it is cardinal for humanity to decide if it will exist for us, or against us. I will expound on the core issue which is the relationship […]

The Flipside of Community Service

So we come to the astonishing and unnerving conclusion that even community service proves to be a double-edged sword. After all, how can we expect to really do “good” to society, in a world where a tree’s death gives a mushroom life; where one man’s junk gives another man bread?

Amy Cheong and racial relations in Singapore

Amy Cheong, an assistant director who oversaw the service department at NTUC, has been relieved of her position. It was just hours after she had made some insensitive remarks deemed ‘racist’ by a flurry of online comments. I think that there are two points of contention here: firstly, the fact that Amy Cheong’s actions may reflect a […]

Chilled conservatories in Gardens by the Bay

The warm consequences of air-conditioning

Last month, I paid a visit to the newest attraction in Singapore – Gardens by the Bay. Situated along the frontiers of the bustling central business district, Gardens by the Bay places two grand climate ‘conversatories’ amidst the urban heat island. The Sun was scorching hot. The cloudless sky and the concrete-laden ground didn’t help at all. […]

In Singapore, attitudes towards competition change

As any one who has emerged from the Singaporean education system would have been told, competition may be hard for the individual, but it is best for the race, because it ensures the survival of the fittest and the greater good of the community. With foreigners moving onto Singapore’s shores to stimulate competition in local institutions, Singaporeans seem to […]

In developing countries, transnational corporations give more than take

Recently, my Geography class discussed the topic of development. Undoubtedly, development (or for some nations, the lack of it) will be a hotly talked about issue on many levels of society. My Geography teacher thus posed this question to the class, “Are transnational corporations in developing countries ‘takers’ more than ‘givers’”? I am writing this […]

Will Google Bring Africa Together or Rip Africa Apart?

Recently, I read an interesting article on the Economist: Google’s Involvement in Africa. Google in Africa truly introduces a multitude of services that have never been seen before. Gmail and Google Search, for example, have provided Africa with a burgeoning connectivity that will be a factor of efficiency and productivity. From the perspective of the […]

Education – a Sustainable Pathway to a Sustainable Future

The capitalist world of today maximizes production and profit, ensuring economic growth in democratic societies. It is evident in countries that have embraced a democratic government and a capitalist economy that this system is a powerful propellant of economic growth. Yet, as Ben Friedman of Havard University had pointed out in his 2006 book The Moral […]

Digitalization is well under way

The Ostensible Blessings of Digitalization

After reading “The Post-Cash Economy” by The New York Times, I beg to differ with the assertion that the economy is becoming “cashless” – much less with the fact that it is a good thing for us, the consumers. I postulate that a “post-cash economy” is not only undesirable for the common good, but cannot […]

What if WikiLeaks had Embraced the Values of Terrorism?

In a city-state where 4.8 out of 5.2 million inhabitants are connected to a broadband service, the Internet is a major part of the soul of the nation. Today, the majority of the population is not only citizens of Singapore but also citizens of Facebook. Take a ride down the subway and see it with […]